Program Evaluations

I love to see the bond the students form with their Elevators as well as the anticipation and joy they show before, during and after the visit. Many of our male students do not have a bond with an adult male, this is. precious for those who lack a parent of the same sex in their home.

Jessica Pinkerton, School Counselor

Education Elevators has had a fantastic impact on the students at Mary C Snow. Students showed improved. motivation to come to school, smile more, show an increased willingness to become involved in other activities such as volunteering to participate during class and free time, have less disciplinary infractions and have shown growth in their relationships with their peers and teachers. Our students are ALWAYS asking about their Elevators!

Natalie Blevins, Family Support Worker/After School Director

The students who receive Elevators are getting a great role model in their life and you can tell it is having a positive impact on them.

Deanna Myers, School Counselor

People often forget that kids just want your attention. You don't have to be anything special, just willing. I watch these Elevators play games, race cars and make crafts, and the kids are so excited to have someone there doing it WITH them. They don't need another person to watch them experience things, they need someone giving them attention and doing something WITH them.

Julie Sayre, Principal

The Elevators are a wonderful addition to our community helpers. They come to after school activities as well as show up to the school to meet the needs of our students. It's so incredible to see the relationships between the Elevators and their students and staff.

Stacey Beane, School Counselor

Our students are always so excited to see their Elevators. This year the Clay Center trip was amazing for them to learn and interact. I would love to make that happen on a regular basis.

Caitlin Lastoria, Social Worker/Assistant Attendance Director

Seeing the growth our students experience from having another caring adult in their life is amazing. It's a simple idea, but has unmeasurable benefits.

Whitney Canada, Principal

Our Corporate Partners


Education Elevators is a West Virginia based, non-profit organization that partners businesses and organizations with local schools to match their employees with students in need of mentors, role models, friendship, academic support, and individual attention.By impacting individual students, we respond to fundamental needs in our communities.Education Elevators is designed to facilitate and support meaningful mentoring partnerships of businesses and organizations with local elementary schools.

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