Zion and I are really connecting and get along well. He listens and is accepting of the guidance I give him and we have fun. Realizing the importance of helping children who need positive adult attention is the single most important thing I get out of being an Elevator.
Steve Grimm
I've been an Elevator for the past 7 years and it's a very rewarding and extremely important role. What I've found is that a lot of our students don't have a stable home life and are often living with relatives and don't always get the one-on-one attention they need. If we're going to help our youth with a better path in the future then more caring adults/professionals need to be Elevators to help inspire kids, become a positive role model for them and show them people care.
Kim Zwier
Students need that person who is always there for them. They loved having the Elevators come and spread love and show that they are cared for. The students that were selected are so excited to see their Elevators and love spending time with them. I am so grateful for this program!
Deanna Myers, School Counselor
It is nice to know that the community cares, and feels invested in the children who will soon be productive adults in our/their communities as well. It truly takes a village and sadly, most of these kids do not have the immediate family foundation that many take for granted. It really does take a village/community to help these kids. One person believing in a child, giving them positive feedback and forming a relationship, can literally change their life. I am thankful for everyone in this program. We need more of this.
One on one time with kids means the world to them. We, as a school, are aware of their needs every morning as the kids get off the bus. They come and they know that they are safe and loved. The school needs will be met by the school staff, but to have an adult come just for them is better than any birthday/Christmas gift a child at KCE could get. The Elevators are very beneficial for our students.
Jessica Pinkerton, School Counselor
The program is working wonderfully here at Central, and our students who participate look forward to the visits they have with their mentors each week. I am so thankful for their hard work and dedication to ourstudents and would highly recommend the Education Elevator program to any school who is interested.
Whitney Canada, Principal
The single most important thing I got out of this program is seeing the Elevators make a difference in the student’s lives. Our students without Elevators keep asking me for one and the students that have Elevators can’t wait to see them!
Caitlin Lastoria, Social Worker/Assistant Attendance Director
Elevators have helped impact Mary C. Snow Elementary by giving our students consistency and positive role models. They have improved our students’ attendance and behavior. Elevators have provided our at risk students a reason to want to come to school...so they can see their Elevator! They’ve helped our students form important connections with adults and have helped our students have another adult in their life to show that they care and make them feel special!
Destiny Spencer, Principal
Education Elevators is an amazing program! Students light up when I tell them that their Elevator is here. Student attendance, school performance and confidence have all improved! Students smile more and are more comfortable when talking to adults (this is even with students who really struggled previously with trusting people). One student who used to not make eye contact now stops me in the hall to talk! Students also engage more with their peers and are happier in general. Another student, who last year would just look down at her desk and wasn’t affectionate at all, is now seen skipping down the hallways always saying “Hi Ms. Natalie!” She has given me three hugs! I wish I had more Elevators to match with students! It’s really incredible to see the impact they have on our students! I LOVE this program!
Natalie Blevins, Family Support Worker/After School Director
Education Elevators is a West Virginia based, non-profit organization that partners businesses and organizations with local schools to match their employees with students in need of mentors, role models, friendship, academic support, and individual attention.By impacting individual students, we respond to fundamental needs in our communities.Education Elevators is designed to facilitate and support meaningful mentoring partnerships of businesses and organizations with local elementary schools.
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